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The Governors can be contacted directly at govs@standrews-inf.co.uk and the Chair of Governors can be contacted at:  msimmons@standrews-inf.co.uk.


Mark Simmons - Chair of Governors / Foundation Governor

I am a committed Christian and regular church goer. I am married and have 2 children who attend the St Andrew's and who both really enjoy every aspect of their school life. I enjoy all sports, especially watching and playing football. I am employed by Eastbourne Blind Society as a Resource Officer. My role is to provide support, information and equipment to people with a visual impairment in the Eastbourne area. I volunteered to be a governor hoping that I would be able to contribute in some way to the running of a really good school and that my experience and skills would be a positive benefit to the school. I also hope to give something back to the school that has looked after and taught my children so well.


Phil Crossinggum - Co-opted Governor

I have taught at St. Andrews for many years and I am currently the Deputy Head Teacher, teaching in Year 1, I have been the Deputy for 6 years. One of my main areas of responsibility is Assessment Data and I regularly feed back to the Teaching and Learning Committee on the termly progress of the school. I am passionate about teaching infants and feel privileged to have a chance to further support the strategic development of the school as a governor.


Katrina Weston - Staff Governor

I have been teaching as a class teacher at St Andrews since sept 1997. I am currently teaching year 2 although I have taught in all 3 year groups. I am pshe and behaviour lead and DSL.

I am married with 2 children, Holly is 16 and studying at Bexhill College doing a BTEC extended diploma in Health and Social Care and Lucy who is 11 has just started St Catherine’s college. I also have a dog called Marley and 2 cats Pickles and Lola. Both my children are avid dancers so a lot of my “spare time” is being mum’s taxi and also walking the dog with friends and family.

I hope to be an approachable, motivated and dedicated governor using the skills I have developed over the years and who the staff can rely on and come to me for help and support.


Jonathon Phillips

Co-Opted Governor

I am a qualified management accountant with 15 years experience working in an international business in East Sussex.  Focusing on the business and resources side of the governing body.  I hope to be able to apply my professional skill set to good effect!  My wife and I have three wonderful children, our eldest has just finished Foundation Stage at St Andrew's and loved every minute.  I am passionate about supporting the already amazing work of all the staff at the school so the pupils can continue to blossom during the first steps of their education.


Alison Lawrence (Safeguarding Governor)

Co-Opted Governor

I have been married for 29 years and have two grown up daughters. I have a passion for supporting young people especially those with special educational needs and disabilities. I have worked in this field for a number of years. In my spare time I enjoy crafting of all kinds, cooking and walking my crazy labradoodle Murphy.


Susan Mattocks

Foundation Governor

I'm a retired secondary school teacher of R.S. and philosophy and spent most of my career in Kent. In the early 1980s I volunteered with VSO and taught English at Trongsa Junior High School in central Bhutan.

Until the pandemic clipped all our wings, one of my passions was travel especially in S.E. Asia. I'm very involved in the life of Eastbourne parish church as a church warden and love joining the choir when the opportunity arises. 


Governors & Details of Appointment September 2023/24

Name & Type of Governor Terms of Office  Appointed By Roles & Responsibilities Declaration of Business & Pecuniary Interests Attendance (previous academic year)

Mark Simmons

Chair of Governors

01/09/2021 - 31/08/2025 Trust English lead    Attendance and behaviour lead Community  7/7
Alison Lawrence 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2025 Trust

Child protection and safeguarding lead


ESCC employee (Children's Services) 7/7
Jonathan Phillips 31/08/2023 - 30/08/2027 Trust Maths and assessment lead Children at school 7/7
Katrina Weston 01/09/2022 - 31/09/2026 Staff EYFS Lead Staff member 6/7
Phillips Crossinggum 20/09/2023 - 19/08/2027 Trust   Staff member 5/7
Sue Mattocks 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2025 Trust English lead        RE and SIAMS Lead Community 5-7
Carol Meakins Ex-Officio Ex-Officio   Headteacher 7/7
Father Joshua Delia 02/11/2023 - 01/11/2027 Church Governor   Local Church Link  


Name Terms of Office  Roles & Responsibilities Declaration of Business & Pecuniary Interests Attendance (previous academic year)

Corin Evans

22/06/2023 - 22/04/2024   Children at school  0/7
David Lambeth (Chair) 20/08/2023 - 25/04/2024


Community 5/6
Helen Diplock 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2024   None 6/7
Jemma Smith 04/09/2021 - 07/11/2023   Child at school 5/6
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