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Useful Information for Parents

Click on any section heading to expand the contents. Any information on this website is available in a paper copy from the school office.

  • Absence

    It is a legal requirement for parents to inform the School the reason for a child's absence. We request that parents do so on every day of absence. If you know in advance that your child is going to be absent or late you may write a letter, or use one of the forms available from the main reception area at the School Office. Failure to report absence will be recorded as an “unauthorised absence”.

  • Before and After School Provision
  • British Values

    What Should Be Promoted

    The DFE have stated (guidance published in November 2014)that all maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Educational Act 2002 and promote spiritual, moral , social and cultural(SMSC) development of their pupils. Through ensuring pupils SMSC development , schools can also demonstrate that they are actively promoting fundamental British values.

    British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs should be actively promoted in schools.


    As a Church of England school we follow the teachings of Jesus (Matthew 22 v 34-40) to ‘ Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, all your soul , all your strength,’ and to ‘ Love your neighbour as yourself’. Our mission statement is as follows:

    At St. Andrew's C.E. Infants' we promote opportunities to LEARN skills for life on a daily basis. We LEARN TOGETHER IN FRIENDSHIP, respecting and valuing one another in all that we do. We come to St. Andrew's each day living by and in FAITH.

    John 10 Verse 10: I came that you may have life in abundance until it overflows


    Democracy at St. Andrew’s is something celebrated throughout the school, in worship sessions, in classes, at lunchtime through pupils having the opportunity to voice their opinions , which are listened to and acted on. Our curriculum evolves through our pupil’s contributions.

    We have a school council where pupils are voted on by their peers. The school council’s voice represents the pupils and each meeting’s minutes is fed back to the staff at minuted staff meetings.

    Every procedure and policy in St. Andrew’s is evaluated regularly and needs to be transparent fair and consistent. The children respond well to this.

    Democracy is modelled by staff who discuss and agree as a working team.

    St. Andrew’s CE Infants’ School is a place where a strong symbiotic relationship exists between staff and pupils. Children’s views are valued and shape next steps..We believe that education in all its fullness brings understanding and choice.

    When applicable, the issues within the wider world are explored- our Year 2’s had a voting experience to record in term 2.

    The Rule of Law

    We have school rules to follow and a code of conduct for staff, with a ladder of success and annual tag line to be celebrated for e.g this year is 'take the next step' encouraging pupils and staff to perhaps try something new, to progress in learning by stepping out of a comfort zone and aiming high!

    We value and recognize good attendance, punctuality and behaviour, skills for life.

    We have a home school agreement/e-safety agreement which are reviewed annually.

    We have a high expectation of all our pupils at St. Andrew’s CE Infants’ to accept responsibility for their own actions.

    Through our fair and consistent behaviour policy and our PSHEe curriculum, we enable our pupils to make good choices, to distinguish between right and wrong, developing a moral code to become a good citizen, contributing positively to the lives of those in our local community

    We have positive links with many member of school community who visit us, proving positive role models and as they are in roles of authority reinforce the need for rule, e.g fire safety officers, PCSO’s, local clergy.

    Individual Liberty

    At St. Andrew’s CE Infants’ we believe wholeheartedly that our pupil’s self- belief and self- respect is paramount. Our children need and deserve to know who they are and then, develop respect and value for the adults around them, developing  friendships and learning partners.  We work to develop positive relationships with all our school community, because this is how we thrive.

    Pupil voice/staff voice is encouraged, we value freedom of speech but also promote understanding for those around us and listening ears to be acute at all times!

    We promote a child-centred learning environment , with a number of responsibilities for our young children to develop further skills, to be trusted to carry out tasks independently and to represent our school positively at all times. There is a freedom of choice that is promoted throughout the curriculum and such choices are encouraged and valued.

    ‘We should not be afraid of growing slowly , we should just be afraid of standing still’. In growing we will make mistakes and our ethos at St. Andrew’s promotes ‘having a go’, perhaps taking a risk and if not the right choice, how then , the next time can we get it right? As a church school we believe in forgiveness, a clean slate and a chance to try again.

    Mutual Respect

    We actively encourage ‘good listening’ skills and being there for one another and learning how to emphasize is promoted through SMSC, PSHEe and RE, collective worship themes and daily life modelled by staff and visitors.

    Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs

    At St. Andrew’s CE Infants we seek to find out about the rich diversity that life and this world has to offer. Through our rich curriculum we involve our school community and the wider community in celebrating a range of cultures, both past and present. Knowledge and understanding promote tolerance and respect.

    As a CE school, we celebrate that humanity was created by God and is loved by Him. We teach our pupils to ‘love one another’, even when it is not easy ..

    Our RE curriculum is well resourced and plans for first hand experiences of a range of faiths and cultures. In FS topic ‘Celebrations’ learning weeks are planned around various festivals.

    We have special days- a week of prayer (2015), a day of Peace(2016), a day of Joy (2017), a day of thankfulness (2018), Black History Month or a Mardi Gras to give our pupils first hand experiences to extend their understanding and live as mentioned a ‘life in all its fullness’. (John 10, Verse 10).

  • Equality

    You can download our Equality Statement as a pdf document.

  • How Do We Teach Reading?

    We want our children to leave St Andrew’s as confident readers and to enjoy reading. To be able to access reading for several different purposes, to delight in non-fiction, be surrounded in interesting texts and to immerse themselves in inspiring stories. 

    At St Andrew’s School we teach children to read in a variety of ways – Shared Reading, Guided Reading (also called group reading), Individual Reading and in Phonics sessions daily.  

    As a school we follow the Little Wandle programme for reading which gives children the opportunity to read a phonetically appropriate book for their level every day.  The children read the book from Monday- Wednesday in a group reading setting and cover three strands to reading- decoding, prosody, and comprehension. The children then take the book home to read from Wednesday to Friday to develop their fluency. 

  • Links with Other Schools

    We work closely with a number of local schools to provide opportunities for our children and staff to develop. At the end of Year 2, the vast majority of our children go onto Tollgate School, our linked Junior school.

  • Ofsted Report (St Andrew's C.E. Infants' School)

    Please click here to see our current Ofsted Report.

  • PTFA


    Here at St. Andrew's, we are extremely lucky to have a very well established and dedicated PTFA.

    We are a small committee of parents (often with younger siblings in tow) who meet regularly, plan our events and then more often than not call on the support of the teachers, teaching assistants and parents galore to continuously give us their help and support, enabling us to make things happen.

    We would not be able to run all the events without the help and support of parents. If you would like to get involved, then we would love to hear from you. Even if you can only offer a little bit of help now and again, we would still love to have you on board. The children love seeing their mums, dads, grandparents and carers helping out around the school, so please give it some thought and help make a difference to all the children at St. Andrew's.

    Keep an eye out for details of our General meetings, an informal way to find out what we are planning, how to get involved and what we have spent funds on. Everyone is welcome to attend, the first one will be early October once the children are settled into the new school year.

    What do the PTFA do?

    The main function of the PTFA is fundraising. With ever decreasing budgets, the school has to be careful with its purchases. We raise money for the little extras that make school life so much more comfortable and enjoyable for the children.

    We hold a number of events during the school year to raise funds, these range from quiz nights for the grown-ups to after school activities for the children, the biggest being our Christmas and Summer fairs.

    We also fund events for the children such as Christmas parties, Year 2 leavers disco and special occasions such as the Jubilee and Olympics.

    What are the funds used for?

    Recently we have purchased a TV for the library, redecorated the kitchen used by the children for cookery, brightened up the playground and purchased new play equipment. Each year we ask the school for ideas of things they would like and at our general meetings we always encourage ideas.

    How can I get involved?

    We welcome any offers of help whether it be just an hour helping on a stall at the fair or a full committee member. We understand that parents have other commitments and only ask for whatever help you feel able to give. The best way to get started is to come along to one of our general meetings, which are held termly, to get an idea of what's involved.



    Collective Worship is held on a daily basis.  It provides an important spiritual focus for us as a school as we gather together to celebrate the day.  Parents have a right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and Collective Worship, either in full or part.  Pupils who are withdrawn will be supervised and allocated suitable work during this time.

  • School Session Times

    These are as follows: 8.30 a.m. - 12.00 noon and 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. (32.5 Hours)

    Morning play: There is a playtime for each year group of 15 minutes.

    Afternoon play: 2.15 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. Taken at the discretion of the teacher.

    Your co-operation is asked in seeing that children do not arrive on the School premises more than 10 minutes before the session begins. Similarly, it is important to ensure your child arrives at School in good time. If, for any reason, you are late arriving, please ensure you sign your son/daughter in to the “Late Book” which is at the School Office and they will be escorted to their classroom. This is to ensure we have knowledge your child is on the School premises, as they may have missed the morning Register. If you need to take your child away from School during the school day, please sign the “Leaving Early” Book which is also at the School Office.

    Children leave School at 3.00 p.m. from their classroom, or the entrance nearest their classroom. We are most particular that children are handed over to the expected adult collecting them. We, therefore, request if your arrangements change, that you complete an “End of the Day Change of Arrangements” form (available from the main reception area at the School Office) and give this to your child's class teacher first thing in the morning.

  • School Meals

    From September 2014 all our pupils are entitled to a free school meal. They will be asked about their choice for a meal each morning. If you would like your child to have a specific meal please inform your child's class teacher or alternatively you can order yourself by clicking here

    FS pupils have slips for parents to complete.

    If your child has allergies to any food please let the school office know. The school kitchen can cater for a range of allergies if notified in advance: a letter from your child's doctor to clarify allergies is required.

    Please click here to see the guide to introducing the Government's food-based and nutrient-based standards for school lunches from the School Food Trust.

    Packed Lunches

    These are eaten in the School hall along with those eating School meals. No glass bottles, china or fizzy drinks please. We actively encourage the children to drink fluids, preferably water. Children may bring water bottles each day in order to drink during lesson time. Children may bring a mid-morning snack of a piece of fruit. (Fruit is currently provided by the Government on a daily basis). If, for a particular reason, your child cannot eat fruit, please discuss this with the class teacher. In the interest of safety, we request that children do not bring food containing nuts.

  • MENU

    To see the latest menu please go the Relish website by clicking on the link below.

    Login to the Relish Parents Section



  • SEN Local Offer / SEN Report

    St. Andrew's C.E. Infants' School recognises that every child has specific educational needs and the school is committed to meeting the entitlement of each child.  We do this by providing quality first teaching for all, irrespective of the varied needs of the children's academic, social emotional, communication, sensory and physical.  If support is required we do this as a gradual response 'Assess Plan Do Review'.

    Support may be given within the classroom, on a withdrawal basis, or as intervention groups, where appropriate.  Consultation with parents is vital at all stages.  Early identification and monitoring and liaison with outside agencies ensure greater success for each individual child.  Provision is also made for children who display a special aptitude in any area of the curriculum.

    The Special Needs Department is co-ordinated by the SENDCO.  This teacher liaises closely with all staff in order to reinforce the curriculum and to meet the specific needs of the individual child.

    All maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with a special educational needs and or disabilities being met in a mainstream school wherever possible, where families want this to happen.

    You can download our SEN Local Offer and SEN Information Report.

    The SENDCO, Mrs Jackie Whitlock, can be contacted at: senco@standrews-inf.co.uk

    For useful contact numbers for support services please click here 

    Please see under the COVID-19 tab for some supportive resources for parents.


    A source of online information is the Fegans (Counselling Children & Supporting Parents) service who launched the Fegans Digital Family Hub in 2020.  The link for this is https://www.fegans.org.uk/family-hub/

    Additional information from the Fegan's website about talking to your children about the Coronavirus:


  • Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development

    Click here to read our SMSC policy

    The spiritual development of pupils is shown by their:

    • Self-knowledge and relationships with others
    • Search for meaning and purpose of life and also celebration
    • Ability to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, that inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values.
    • Transcendence – awe, wonder, mystery, feelings and emotions.
    • Sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them.
    • Use of imagination and creativity in their learning.
    • Willingness to reflect on their own experiences.

    The moral development of pupils is shown by their:

    • Ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and to readily apply this understanding in their own lives, recognise legal boundaries and, in so doing, respect the civil and criminal law of England.
    • Understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions.
    • Interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues and ability to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues.
    • Sense of Self
    • Relationships with others
    • Society, truth, freedom and justice

    The social development of pupils is shown by their:

    • Use of a range of social skills in different contexts, for example working and socialising with other pupils, including those from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.
    • Willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively.
    • Acceptance of and engagement with the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; they develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.

    The cultural development of pupils is shown by their:

    • Understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and those of others.
    • Understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures within school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain.
    • Knowledge of Britain’s democratic Parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain.
    • Willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities.
    • Interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity, as shown by their tolerance and attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities.
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